Site icon Meditations on Equestrian Art

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Project:

One Mustang directly off the range, One Trainer, Many Students, Communication through body language, Tools used only for safety, never to train

The Goal:

To discover how far Equestrian Art can be developed solely using body language.


Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful most of all for all of you who read my blog, and through thick and thin have seen Myrnah and I through the making of Taming Wild.

New York City gave us an amazing Premiere at the Equus Film Festival.

So grateful my beautiful daughter Cameron could be there to see the completion of this work she has graciously shared her mother’s attention with for so many years.

So many to thank, and so much to be grateful for on this Thanksgiving. You know who you are… I am sending all my love and gratitude!

Mostly, I have to admit, I am so glad to be back home in my real work again with Myrnah.

We are moving forward on plans for a local premiere here in Seattle and getting the movie out to everyone as soon as we put the final polish on it. Promise to keep you all posted!

My Love to everyone!

Elsa Sinclair

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