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Elsa Sinclair is a professional horse trainer and instructor who brings to the horse world a unique and powerful perspective. Gathering together awareness from a variety of equine disciplines, Elsa has an enthusiasm for discovering and developing what it takes for both sides of a human ~ equine partnership to fully enjoy the process of learning and growing in the direction of their goals.

Elsa got her first pony at the age of seven. From then on, it was a constantly evolving love affair with her and the horses. One naughty pony after the next, Elsa was shown the ropes and taught what it was to work together with the horses (or not as sometime the case seemed) toward common goals.

Childhood life took her through a meandering journey of Pony Club, trail rides, dressage and jumping lessons; through teaching and helping misunderstood horses and the wonderful and determined people who desired to become partners with them.

Early teenage years led Elsa to focus on her passion for theatre and dance, and let horses take a more secondary role. Only later would she realize how beneficial that study would prove to be, in terms of being aware of the body in space and how it interacts and relates with others.

At the age of sixteen Elsa recommitted to the world of horses. An intense study of French Classical Dressage with Dominique Barbier in Northern California was followed by a period of more informal, but no less intense, study of endurance racing in Southern California. Following that was a period of work-study in Georgia learning Equine Tellington Touch, Equine Awareness method and Centered Riding.

Having achieved her level one instructor status for Centered Riding. Elsa returned to San Juan Island and ran a trail riding business for a summer.

The following year Elsa moved to Pennsylvania to be a groom at a Three Day Event barn and continue her studies with an international Centered Riding instructor.

At the age of twenty-one Elsa again returned to San Juan Island and began fulltime teaching of Centered Riding and studied novice level eventing with her own horses.

At twenty-five Elsa was drawn into the world of Horse psychology and Natural Horsemanship. All sixteen horses in the cooperative that Elsa worked with had their shoes pulled and their bridles exchanged for rope halters, and thus an extraordinary journey of understanding life from the horse’s perspective began.

The following years saw Elsa pass her Level Three Parelli assessment test, perform with her Level Three horse at a Parelli tour stop, develop a bridleless polocrosse team with her fellow Parelli students, rehabilitate a Thoroughbred off the track, and adopt a five year old mustang straight off the Nevada range.

In 2007 Elsa moved to Europe and took a brief sabbatical to be with her family. Luckily for everyone, after six months they moved again, back home to San Juan where Elsa has picked up where she left off, coming into her work again with a renewed passion and clarity.

All Elsa’s experiences through the years and various equine disciplines come together now in a synergistic whole, giving Elsa a broad platform from which to teach.

Elsa teaches and trains in both Centered Riding and Natural Horsemanship to help people achieve their goals, in whatever discipline they choose to enjoy with their horse.


  1. Dear Elsa,

    What fun and how educational this will be for everyone to watch. Thanks for letting us all in on it.
    Of course, sign me up for updates.
    Good luck! Learn much and have fun!

  2. Oh Elsa, this is sooooooooooo fabulous. You are blazing a new trail with horse communication. I have watched you play and grow with the horses. You have such a gift. Whatever you do with this, however far it takes you, you are already a success with your horse communication. Wishing you blessings and much joy on this new journey. Thank you for sharing it with us. We will walk beside you.

    • Cornelia Schneider
    • Posted January 1, 2011 at 10:19 pm
    • Permalink
    • Reply

    This could be groundbreaking. I will be following your blog faithfully. I want to hear all about the ups and downs (as well as the sideways and standingstill). I’m sure you’ll try to encorporate photos. What about video… could you swing it? Particularly at the beginning, so that we could see, more dynamically, where you are starting out. This really is an interesting idea, Elsa. Thank you for reaching out and sharing the process with a blogosphere community of horse lovers.

  3. I can’t wait to read about your journey with the new mustang, Elsa. I’m so glad you’re doing this and proud to know you. Much love!

  4. Wow what a great idea!! If anyone was born to do this its you,you are truly gifted and I feel blessed to be brought along on the journey with you,thanks for all you do.

  5. Dear Elsa,
    Thank you for putting me back on the horse path, you have opened great joy for me with your natural approach to greater communication. You lead the way for my own exploration and I admire your bold stance, as always. And a fine presentation, here! O Love, Michael

  6. Elsa,
    If you could find a documentarian to follow this project, it would make a fascinating movie.

  7. I’m in Elsa, Sounds exciting. I’m sure you are aware of Carolyn Resnick. She is all about liberty training. Good luck and I am looking forward to following along on your blog!


  9. Elsa,
    How can I help? Besides cheering and following this innovative quest. Love, Michael OOOOO

  10. I am very excited about this challenge for you and for the rest of us to follow. I’m certain that you will have an incredible experience as you bring yourself to the next level. We can see your positive influence in our Hawk as he grows and becomes the boy he was bred to be. Thank you for including us along the way. We will pray for you throughout your journey….Mary

  11. Right on, you go girl! You are made for this and have the open mind for it. My hat is off to you and commend you in this journey. It is time for a deeper relationship with all our four legged friends, they have so much to teach us if we’ll just listen.
    thanks for taking us along,

  12. Elsa

    The Allens AND horses have progressed amazingly with your teaching over the last year. This is an wonderful venture which I am sure you will achieve and we will all learn more…..We wish you every success and will enjoy following your progress. Lucy et al

  13. Looking forward to your discoveries!

  14. Thank you for sharing this. I’m looking forward to ideas that will make me a better person for my horse. Best wishes to you.

  15. I am a practitionar of equine Shiatsu in France, I came across your site, don’t ask me how or why… but it talks from the heart. Just to know that people are able to live with horses in the way and the awareness you show, gives me again some hope in humanity. I’ld love to be able to work with you and people around the world that feel like you.
    i am still new to the job, but I feel I have to go where our language is shared…

  16. Thank you very much for sharing all of this, it has inspired me and many others deeply. I was just wondering if there is any other way I could contact you (such as email). I would love to know more about what you do and your methodology in training these beautiful creatures.

  17. What a huge blessing to come to realize how much more “quiet in motion” helps us to help our horses learn! I think about how it is hard for me to talk on the phone if there is background noise. Just think how incredible it must be for horses trying to figure out what we are asking with all our “busyness”!
    Thanks again, Elsa!!!!

  18. Elsa, I have learned so much from you! Since taking your online course I have started to think about everything differently and I have a clarity and a quietness I couldn’t find before. Roma, as a result, offers me more each day and our experience together is no longer a battle. I can’t wait for you to meet her when you come to the UK. Thank you!

    • Nicole, I am SO filled with joy when I think of you and Roma and your journey together. I feel honored to have been part of this evolution for you two. I can’t wait to be in the UK with you in the spring. So much beautiful work ahead of us!

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